Graphic showing the outline of four people's heads in dark blue circles

What you can expect from us

Our quality service promises to you:

What we ask of you

Send us feedback


METRO is committed to providing you a safe and confidential space. We understand that confidentially is important to people, especially around sexuality, gender history, HIV and mental health. To give you the best service possible, we need to record some information about you and may need to share it with others in certain circumstances.

How we use your information

We use your information to provide a service and/or treatment to you, check the quality of your care, help you make good decisions about your health and to investigate complaints.

We sometimes use anonymous information more generally to:

Personal information is only disclosed outside METRO when you have agreed in advance, or in exceptional circumstances such as:

What is Data Protection?

Data Protection is an area of law that requires us to handle your Personal Data in accordance with the below principles. It also grants you, the ‘Data Subject’, certain rights in certain situations. Our privacy notices outline in more detail how we handle your Personal Data and what rights you have over that data.

We have a set of policies and standards that all staff and volunteers comply with in order to ensure we handle your data correctly.  

This means that we;

  1. Will only use your information fairly, lawfully and honestly
  2. Won’t reuse it and will only use it for the reasons why we need it
  3. Will only use what we need and won’t be creepy by collecting loads of data on you unnecessarily
  4. Will ensure what we have is accurate and kept up to date where we can
  5. Will only keep it as long as we need to and no longer
  6. Will look after it as best we can to keep it secure and protect your confidentiality
  7. Will be responsible in our care of it

If you have any questions about how we use your data, please email [email protected] or call 020 8305 5000.