Two people fundraising for METRO in Greenwich

We promote health and wellbeing through our transformative services to anyone experiencing issues relating to sexuality, gender, equality, diversity and identity. We use our unique insight and diverse heritage to influence decision makers and effect positive change.

We offer sexual health screenings, condoms and test kits and run a sexual health advice helpline, as well as tailoring our support to the Polish and Latin American communities with advice or advocacy in their native languages.

We provide support services and run innovative programmes for people living with HIV.

For young people, we run LGBTQ+ youth groups and provide LGBTQ+ counselling, as well as a chatroom for young guys into guys. For all ages, we provide HIV information & advice, counselling and peer support groups & mentors.

We also run community projects, such as our LGBTQ+ mental health drop-in, the only service of its kind in London, and our Eltham allotment, which feeds our food equality programme. We are proud of our holistic, community-led approach to our equality work, which helps us meet the individual needs of vulnerable people.

Raise money for us

Support our work by raising money for us! Every penny you raise will help fund our vital services promoting health and wellbeing. You can support us in lots of different ways:

One-off or regular gifts

You can donate to METRO on our JustGiving page.

Take part in a challenge event

Take part in a challenge event. It's a great way to raise money and awareness for the work we do and gives you the excuse you might need to put your running shoes on!

We take part in the Red Run each year.

Organise your own fundraiser

Organise a coffee morning, cake sale or other event. We can help you organise and publicise your event - and are happy to come along and speak too if you'd like.

A gift in your Will

Your Will is an opportunity to leave a gift to both the people and the causes that are close to your heart. We’d love you to support our work by remembering us in your will - read more about how you can do this and find answers to some frequently asked questions.

Trusts and Foundations

Trusts and Foundations play a key role in the work of METRO Charity, providing funds for specific projects, salary costs for essential project staff and enable us to ensure the longevity of our projects by pledging funds over several years. We are extremely grateful for their support.

We are constantly seeking financial support for all areas of the charity’s work. Trusts that are interested in discussing our work in further detail should please contact us.

Corporate support

There are many ways companies can get involved with METRO. Depending on the needs of your company, we offer a variety of ways for companies to become involved in our work:

Please contact us for more information on becoming one of our corporate supporters.