Young people wearing bisexual flags at Essex Pride

About this service

We provide support for schools, colleges and other education providers to create safe spaces to challenge bullying and improve awareness of LGBT equality.

We deliver workshops for children, young people, parents and carers to explore and demystify sexual orientation and gender identity. We provide training for staff in how to create more inclusive safe spaces and challenge homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) language and bullying.

Who can use this service

We work with schools, colleges and other education providers anywhere in England. We also work with foster care agencies, leaving care teams and children's homes. We can run workshops for children and young people of all ages, including those with additional educational needs. We can also deliver sessions for parents and carers to talk about bullying, challenge myths and raise awareness of LGBT experiences.

Why people use this service

  • Staff don't feel confident in how to challenge HBT bullying
  • Staff feel uncomfortable with language around gender identity
  • Young people need contextual safeguarding
  • Policies are out of date and don't comply with Ofsted requirements

How we can help

  • Create a safe space to explore bullying
  • Discuss without fear of saying the wrong thing
  • Increase knowledge of sexuality and gender identity
  • Empower young people and reduce isolation


Get in touch

Email [email protected] or call 020 8305 5000. We often work with pastoral care, safeguarding leads and learning and development staff.

We’ll get back to you in 2-3 days. We'll arrange a quick chat to find out more about you and how we can support your organisation. We'll work with you to develop a custom package. We can run assemblies, workshops and diversity days with students, provide conflict mediation training for staff and can deliver workshops for parents and carers. We can also review your policies for inclusion and compliance with the Equality Act (2010).

Email us

Nobody should feel bullied or unsafe because of who they are

Despite recent progress, HBT bullying still happens far too often. LGBTQ+ young people are disproportionately affected by discrimination, fear of discrimination, name calling or being physically attacked because of their sexuality or gender identity.

Our workshops and training challenge the contexts and environments of HBT bullying based on legislation and new research. We can develop a custom package to meet the needs of your organisation.

Young people are increasingly likely to identify as bisexual, pansexual, asexual or queer. The government's National LGBT Survey (2018) found that 57% of trans young people now identify as non-binary, but only 13% of trans respondents said their teachers understood the issues they faced.

How we make a difference

To challenge bullying, staff need to be able to meet the needs of all the children and young people they work with.

Our workshops go beyond the Equality Act (2010) to empower young people to be more understanding and look out for each other. We help young people accept others for who they are. Our training shows staff how to effectively challenge HBT language and bullying.

Young people's voices are at the centre of what we do. Our sessions respond to the issues experienced by LGBT young people who use all our services. We have an intersectional understanding of the problems people face because of their diverse identities. Our work delivering health and wellbeing services gives us deep knowledge of current issues and the latest research.