Three people wearing purple METRO community t-shirts at Pride in London

About this service

METRO GAVS is helping a charity of mental health service users establish themselves as an independent voice in Greenwich.

This is a time limited project working with a new charity of mental health service users. We are supporting them to ensure their governance and accountability processes are in place by March 2023.

Who can use this service

At the moment, there are places available on the GAIN Board of Trustees. If you use mental health services in Greenwich and would like to become a member of GAIN, please email [email protected]

Why people use this service

  • I want a voice on mental health services
  • I need help to improve mental health services
  • I want to tackle stigma about mental health issues

Get in touch

Email [email protected] or call our community team on 020 8305 5000 if you'd like to know more about our work in Greenwich.

Email us

Everybody needs access to good mental health services

There is huge demand for mental health services, but too many people have experiences that aren't good enough. There's also stigma about mental health, which can have a serious impact on the wellbeing of service users.

METRO GAVS works in collaboration with service users and service providers to help improve services for everyone.

How we make a difference

We're helping GAIN become a well governed, independent voice in Greenwich.

People who use mental health services and the organisations who provide them are both calling for an independent service user group. GAIN aims to change attitudes, improve services and influence policy by representing the views, needs and aspirations of people who use mental health services.