A blue collage of black and yellow words showing types of hate crime

About this service

We want to create a Croydon where everyone feels safe to be whoever they are without fear and prejudice. This service aims to help members of the LGBTQ+ communities in Croydon to address biphobic, homophobic and transphobic hate crime in the borough.

We directly support individuals who have experienced an LGBTQ+ hate crime. We also work across the borough to raise awareness and tackle LGBTQ+ hate crime.

Please note, this service is not currently taking clients due to the service ending in March 2023.

Who can use this service

We can support anyone who lives, works, studies or socialises within the borough of Croydon who has been affected by, witnessed or experienced LGBTQ+ hate crime.

We will work with individuals, representatives from communities affected by hate crime, key partners and local authorities (including the police and the council) to develop local strategies to tackle support LGBTQ+ people and eliminate hate crime in Croydon.

Why people use this service

  • I want to speak to someone about anti-LGBTQ+ hate crime that I have experienced or witnessed.
  • I want you to report an incident for me.
  • I would like help to report an incident myself.
  • I need support because I am affected by anti-LGBTQ+ hate crime.
  • I am interested in volunteering with METRO to help tackle anti-LGBTQ+ hate crime in Croydon.
  • I represent a partner organisation that wants to work with METRO to tackle anti-LGBTQ+ hate crime in Croydon.

How we can help

  • We provide one to one support to members of the LGBTQ+ community in Croydon.
  • We provide information and advice to individuals, groups and organisations about hate crime.
  • We promote hate crime awareness.
  • We deliver opportunities for professional hate crime training.
  • We organise outreach events and engagement activities.
  • We participate in local and regional forums, working with others to address hate crime.

Get in touch

Email [email protected] or call us on 020 8305 5000 and ask to speak to the Croydon Hate Crime Officer. This service is free and confidential.

Please note we do not provide an emergency response service. If you or someone else is in immediate risk of harm - please call the police on 999. If it is not an emergency, you can call the police on 101.

You can also report hate crime online via the True Vision website www.report-it.org.uk.

When you contact us about an LGBTQ+ hate crime we will arrange a meeting with you. We will listen to what has happened and explore how we can help.

Email us

Why we do this work

Nobody should live in fear of being bullied, harassed, having their property vandalised, being verbally or physically assaulted or worse because they are, or are perceived to be, lesbian, gay, bi, trans or queer.

Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and live their lives free from prejudice and hate.