Young people eating pizza at the METRO Youth Summit in Southwark in 2018

About this service

We work with schools, colleges and other education providers to deliver relationships and sex education (RSE) workshops for children and young people. We train teachers, staff, youth workers and other professionals on current guidelines on relationships and sex education and how to deliver lessons effectively. We also work with parents and carers to increase understanding of RSE

Our workshops are a safe space to explore sexual health, the body, consent, gender identity, sexuality, porn, sexting and staying safe online. We'll work with you to improve your understanding of the laws around these topics and increase the effectiveness of your approach.

Who can use this service

We work with schools, colleges and other education providers in England. We can deliver training for teachers, support staff and governors on how to deliver effective RSE and why it matters. We can run workshops from key stage 1 to key stage 5. We can also deliver sessions for parents and carers to talk about RSE, challenge myths and explain what is involved.

Why people use this service

  • Staff lack confidence or feel uncomfortable teaching RSE
  • Policies are out of date and don't comply with Ofsted requirements
  • Limited understanding of safe and healthy relationships
  • Parents lack confidence in our RSE curriculum
  • Young people are experiencing sexualised bullying and harassment

How we can help

  • Improve your compliance with Ofsted guidelines
  • Deliver your RSE curriculum more effectively
  • Learn how to support students with gender or sexuality
  • Create an inclusive environment for all staff and students
  • Reduce rates of STIs and unplanned pregnancies

Join our programme

Email [email protected] or call 020 8305 5000. We often work with pastoral care, safeguarding leads and learning and development staff.

We’ll get back to you in 2-3 days. We'll arrange a quick chat to find out more about you and how we can support your organisation. We'll work with you to develop a custom package of workshops and/or training that suits your needs.

Email us

Everybody deserves inclusive relationships and sex education

Nobody should have to learn about relationships and sex from uninformed peers, harmful myths and pornography online. Inaccurate, incomplete or stigmatising relationships and sex education can make the transition to adulthood confusing and negatively impact physical, social and emotional development. In the UK, chlamydia affects about 2% of young people aged between 16 and 25. Our teenage pregnancy rates are some of the highest in Europe. Young people are more likely to make better decisions about relationships and sex when they have received a good education.

We provide age-appropriate education on relationships, families, sexual health, LGBT equality, consent, porn, sexting and staying safe online. We also stigma and misunderstandings about healthy relationships and sex.

New guidelines for compulsory RSE are coming into force in September 2020. All schools must comply with the statutory requirement to deliver inclusive relationships and sex education, including LGBT equality.

How we make a difference

To enable students to make healthy decisions that positively effect mental and physical health and well-being, they need to be informed in a matter of fact way about the subjects that are often glossed over. Our service allows students to understand more about themselves and others, regardless of how they identify and understand bodies, genders or sexual orientations. Young people become adults, so we need to create an environment where they can be educated and informed to make decisions that impact the world around them in a positive way.

We help young people to feel more comfortable in themselves, respect others and become more confident in navigating relationships. We help staff gain new skills in talking about difficult issues and give parents a space to explore concerns.

We talk about relationships and sex in an honest, sex-positive and inclusive way, which helps young people make informed choices about their lives. We teach younger children that families come in all shapes and sizes and talk about healthy friendships. We have been delivering relationships and sex education for over ten years.