Our HIV team at the CHIVA conference 2019

About this service

We provide assessment, advice and advocacy for people living with HIV who live in London. We can help you fill out benefits forms, advocate on your behalf and help you deal with local councils, housing associations and other organisations.

We can help you apply for Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payments, challenge benefit decisions and make appeals, negotiate rent arrears with your landlord. We'll help you fill in forms, call the DWP for you, write to your GP and help you get the evidence and support you need. We'll check you are receiving all the benefits you're entitled to.

If you're in financial crisis, we can give you food bank vouchers and help you access hardship grants. We have emergency financial support for people in need. If you have problems with immigration, we can help you find a solicitor you can trust.

If you're affected by anxiety or depression, we can help give you emotional support for your HIV diagnosis and dealing with HIV stigma issues. We'll give you information so you can make choices to improve your health and wellbeing.

Who can use this service

You need to be living with HIV and live in London. We work with individuals and families in most boroughs. However, if you live in Lambeth, Southwark or Lewisham, we're only funded for work with families with children and young people under 25.

Why people use this service

  • I'm behind on my rent
  • I'm having trouble with my benefits
  • I can't work because of my health
  • I have problems with immigration

How we can help

  • Get food bank vouchers
  • Help with your benefits application
  • Support for benefits and housing appeals
  • Get practical and emotional support

Get in touch

Email [email protected] or call our HIV team on 020 8305 5006. We work Monday to Friday from 10am-5pm. You can refer yourself or be referred by someone who works with you (like a GP, clinic or social worker).

We'll get back to you within 24 hours. We'll arrange an appointment to find out more about you and how we can help. Most people choose to come to our offices in Vauxhall. Some people choose to meet at GUM clinics near them. Sometimes we meet people at the Wolverton Clinic in Kingston and the Heath Clinic in Croydon. After your appointment, we'll make sure you get the support that's right for you.

Email us