Poppy 1

About this service

Please note, this service is not currently running.

We offer free rapid HIV testing and prevention services in collaboration with Spectra and Positive East. Together, we make up the GMI Partnership.

Funded by Fast Track Cities, we use a mobile clinic to bring a free, accessible and welcoming HIV prevention directly to migrant communities, living in London. The clinic parks on high streets, at cultural markets, community organisations and supermarkets, offering free, rapid HIV testing, free condoms and tailored sexual health advice. We can offer key prevention messages in a variety of languages and help people access ongoing sexual health support, through signposting and referrals.
Our clinic usually provides testing sessions on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays across London. Check out our event calendar to find a testing service near you - https://gmipartnership.org.uk/events/.

Who can use this service

This service is for people who are born overseas, living in London and are over 18 years old.

Why people use this service

  • I'd like to check my HIV status
  • I want to know where I can get tested
  • I want to find out about PrEP or PEP
  • I want free condoms

Find out more

Check out the GMI Partnership website for more information.

Email us