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Thank you for making the Drag Race a huge success

Well even if we are a bit sore in the heels we need to say a big thank you to all of the lovely people, businesses and Police of Greenwich and further afield who made the 2011 Drag Race the biggest and best so far. The evening went off without a hitch, even though the rain in the afternoon threatened the odd damp hem, and together we have shown what our local community is capable of achieving. The winner this year was Frau Margot Struwwelisch (aka Stefan Unger) who came with her friend Frau Dagmar Diarrhoea all the way from Frankfurt, Germany to run in the race! They saw the race last year as spectators and enjoyed it so much that they came back, with a friend who was make-up and dress carrier, to run this year. The Richest Drag of the night was Fanny Lacoste (known as Colin Day to his friends) who raised an incredible £500!

We need to say a big thank you to the Rose & Crown staff, Prowler, Mike Catterall Floral Designs for the most incredible bouquets, Coffee Cake & Kink, Davy's Wine bar, Meantime Brewing, Restaurant San Miguel, ID Glide, Greenwich Picture house, Miss Rose Garden, The Duchesss and the George & Dragon for all their prizes and support. Big thanks also to our amazing volunteers and staff who pulled together to pull this off.