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The Metro Centre has warmly welcomed the recent publication of theGovernment's Transgender Equality PlanĀ as a significant step forward in the road towards equality for Trans people.

The charity which works directly with transgender people through its community health, support and youth services will be responding to the Government's forthcoming Call for Evidence due to be launched in the new year. It is committed to promoting equality and fairness for transgender people in all of its work.

The Call for Evidence will look across the range of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender equality matters as set out in theĀ Government's LGB&T blueprintĀ published earlier in the year.

Beth James, Equalities Lead at Metro said:

This is a really significant and positive move towards equality: significant in its recognition of the specific nature of the discrimination trans people face; and positive because of the very clear commitments to effecting change across a number of critical areas including early years and education, employment, criminal law, public services and culture and attitudes.

We particularly welcome the detail within the plan and the drive towards making a difference to Trans people's lives. The plan represents a real opportunity for broader social change and wider public benefit. We would like to see more of an emphasis in education and culture and attitudes on challenging the current over-emphasis on very separate male and female gender identities. We know that this leads to isolation and alienation for many children, young people and adults and militates against a culture of acceptance.

We urge everyone with a real interest in equality to embrace the plan and to respond to the Government's Call for Evidence to ensure that we all make equality for Trans people a reality.

For all media queries:
Patricia Durr, Head of Communications & PR, [email protected]