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The new Woolwich Centre, Wellington Street, SE18 6HQ will welcome South London's First World AIDS Day Conference on 1 December from 9.30-16.30.

The Conference, entitled "The Direction of HIV in the 21st Century", is being organised by Metro, one of the biggest providers of sexual and other health and youth services in South London. It will bring together people directly affected by HIV and those providing or commissioning services to share knowledge and experiences. A conference report will be produced and will be widely disseminated.

Confirmed speakers include:
- Dr Adam Bourne of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine who will be talking about his recent study into the experiences of black Africans living in England in relationships where one person has diagnosed HIV and the other does not
- Dr Matthew Weait of Birkbeck College, University of London talking about his work on the criminalisation of HIV transmission
- Rev Martin McManus of the London Ecumenical AIDS Trust (LEAT) talking about faith and HIV and Dr Peter Keogh of the London School of Hygiene talking about the future for HIV treatment.

The Conference will also include entertainment from local music and dance groups to celebrate World AIDS Day and the lives of all those affected by HIV, and reflection to remember all of those who have died as a result over the past 30 years.

The Conference is funded by the Big Lottery Fund Awards for All programme and is free to all those affected by HIV, those who provide or commission HIV services as well as students, academics and policymakers interested and engaged in the field.

Marguerite McLaughlin, CEO of Metro said:
"Metro is delighted to be hosting this inaugural South London World AIDS Day Conference. Thanks to the generosity of the Big Lottery Fund, we are able to offer places free of charge and we want to encourage as many people directly affected by HIV to register as possible.
Metro has been providing HIV services in Greenwich and across South London for over 17 years now and we know how important it is to continue to support the communities most affected and to learn from them the best ways to do that. We hope that by bringing people affected together with service providers and commissioners, we really can move together in the right direction for HIV in the 21st Century."

Registration for the event is now closed as we have reached capacity of the venue. If you have not already registered we will not be able to extend an invitation for you to attend.