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Metro is celebrating the bestowal of royal status on the borough of Greenwich this week with a look back over its own proud history of association.

The charity's presence in Greenwich stretches back to 1984 and since that time and with support from LB Greenwich and a range of other funders, Metro has established itself as a provider of a range of health, community and youth services for residents of Greenwich and far beyond.

Metro's services extend both to the LGBT community and many other communities in the borough including HIV services to African communities and sexual health services to all 16-24 year old residents of Greenwich. The charity has two bases in the borough - in Greenwich and Woolwich.

Metro has flourished in Greenwich and now provides services across South London, Kent and Medway, with a phenomenal rate of growth over recent years. The charity also has national and international reach and is leading a groundbreaking project, National Youth Chances looking at the experiences of Lesbian Gay Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning young people across the country.

Marguerite McLaughlin, CEO of Metro said:

"I am very proud to be at the helm at Metro to celebrate this momentous occasion for Greenwich. Metro's spiritual home will continue to be in the borough and we trust that our commitment, innovation and growth as a charity is a credit to all our partners and supporters here. What makes Greenwich so special is its history, beauty, diversity and the real community spirit of its people. As we celebrate the borough's historic royal connections we hope that people will take some time to find out more about Greenwich's thriving community and voluntary sector and Metro's part in it"

For all media queries: Patricia Durr, Head of Communications & PR, [email protected] 020 8305 5000 x136, 07912515397

1. A summary of Metro's history can be found at 
2. Metro promotes equality and provides health, community and youth services across London and Kent. It has been providing services in Greenwich since 1984 and now also has sites in Vauxhall and Woolwich working across a number of London boroughs and in Kent and Medway.
3. The bestowal of royal status on Greenwich will take place on 3rd February
4. February is also Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History Month and Metro is taking part in a number of activities to celebrate