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METRO's Annual Drag Race returns to Greenwich for its seventh year on Saturday 18th August. In the year that Greenwich celebrates its Royal Borough status and the nation celebrates the Diamond Jubilee the race will have a very royal theme. The charity is asking the finest Drag Kings and Queens to come forward to support its annual fundraising event.

This year's new route will start from the Prince of Greenwich pub on Royal Hill - only fitting for this most regal of races. The route will take in Royal Hill, Hyde Vale, King George Street and Point Hill with live entertainment, barbecue, raffle and stalls taking participants and supporters through the afternoon.

The event is a key fixture in the Greenwich calendar and raises money for the charity through sponsorship. Participants must wear drag and Drag Queens are required to wear a heel of at least 2 inches. Drag Kings must sport facial hair. Prizes will be awarded for the winning Drag King and Drag Queen of the race as well as the best drag ensembles and most money raised.

Registration for the event will be opening very shortly and people can register interest in taking part, sponsoring the event or donating raffle prizes.

Hugh Wright, Head of Fundraising said:

Metro cannot do the work it does without raising funds to support it and we are very grateful for the support we always gets from local businesses and supporters. We are very grateful to the Prince of Greenwich this year for providing a fitting start point to the Race and for its support for the event. We would also like to acknowledge the fantastic support we've had in previous years from the Rose & Crown pub and the George and Dragon. It is always a fun event with entertainment, raffle and barbecue. People can also make donations on the day and all funds go towards our work providing health, community and youth services in Greenwich and beyond to people in real need.


For all media enquiries: Patricia Durr, Head of Communications & PR, [email protected], 020 8305 5000 x.136, 07912515397


  1. Please contact Hugh Wright for more information and to register to take part or support in other ways [email protected] 020 8305 5000 x.148
  2. All funds raised at the Drag Race will go towards supporting Metro's work
  3. Metro is a health, community and youth services provider. We conduct research, challenge discrimination and promote equality. We work in London and the South East and have national and international projects and partnerships. The charity is based in Greenwich and has offices in Vauxhall, Woolwich and very recently, Rochester.