The annual National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Health Summit is to be held at the University of Kent in Canterbury, 13th - 14th September 2012.

Established in 2006, the LGBT Health Summit is a unique UK event that brings individuals and organisations from across the UK together to debate and discuss LGBT health issues. This year the Summit takes place at a time of major NHS reform in England and public sector austerity across the UK, and will be considering the impact on service delivery to LGBT people.

The Summit is hosted by the LGBT Health Summit 2012 Consortium. This successful bidding partnership is headed up by Metro, Kent Community Health NHS Trust, Kent Transgender Forum, Kent & Medway LGBT Community Reference Group and the Centre for Gender, Sexuality and Law, University of Kent.

The Consortium is working in partnership with a host of other national and local statutory and voluntary organisations including Stonewall, UNISON, Canterbury City Council, LGBT Consortium, Kent County Council, Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust, NHS Kent & Medway and the National LGB&T Partnership.

The Summit will address a number of key health themes and will look in particular at the impact of social and emotional isolation on the health and well-being of LGBT people. It is widely recognised that LGBT people are not well served by health and other services and that their particular needs and experiences are not routinely monitored or addressed. The impact of prejudice and discrimination that LGBT people encounter has a detrimental effect on their mental and emotional and often their physical health.

The Summit will also focus on improving access and participation for older LGBT people, younger LGBT people and LGBT people affected by HIV and building capacity for transgender people. To achieve this goal, the Summit organisers are hosting a number of local fora to increase community engagement and build sustainable support in Kent and Medway.

Dr Greg Ussher, Deputy CEO of Metro said:
"Metro is delighted to be leading this partnership of local and national organisations to bring this year's Summit to Canterbury. It represents the culmination of over four years work by Metro with LGBT people and communities across Kent and Medway. We look forward to welcoming a broad range of statutory and voluntary organisations, activists, academics, policymakers and LGBT people to the Summit and we will work hard and collaboratively to deliver enduring health legacies for LGBT people locally, regionally and nationally."

Adam Lott of NHS Community Health NHS Trust said:
"We are delighted to be one of the partners involved in bringing this important Health Summit to Kent. As the leading provider of community care in Kent, we believe that this event gives us all a great opportunity to focus on LGBT health issues, not only in the country, but also across the UK"

Kelly Tonks of Kent Transgender Forum said:
"Kent Transgender Forum is extremely proud and excited to be involved in the National LGBT Health Summit. With Trans issues becoming more prominent nationally and locally, in the media and across government, it is an ideal opportunity to ensure that the visibility of Trans people remains strong. This Summit will be a strong example of collaboration across the LGBT spectrum and will lead to strong legacy foundations in Kent and Medway and across the UK."

For all media queries: Patricia Durr, Head of Communications & PR, [email protected] 020 8305 5000 x136, 07912515397

1. Further information about the Summit can be found at

2. There are also a number of opportunities for involvement in volunteering at the Summit, submitting abstract and speaker proposals, making financial or other contributions and future partnership working

3. Sponsorship packages are available for companies and organisations wanting to provide financial or in-kind support for the Summit. For details contact Hugh Wright [email protected], 020 8305 5000 x148