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The largest survey of young Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Questioning (LGBTQ) people in England shows that discrimination, abuse and hate crime is still a common experience for young people in England.

METRO’s Youth Chances survey of LGBTQ 16-25 year olds experiences of education, employment, health services, their community and relationships is the biggest project of its kind and is campaigning for better services and policies for LGBTQ youth across England.

Based on responses from 9020 young people, the first cut of the data shows that the majority of young people agree that discrimination against LGBT people is common and that many have experienced verbal and physical threats and abuse.

Worryingly, the survey also finds that experience of LGBT hate crime is high amongst young people with 72% of respondents have experienced homophobic name calling or other verbal abuse and 22% having experienced physical assault. Additionally 42% have experienced threats and intimidation and 43% harassment.

It confirms data launched today that shows that experience of discrimination and hate crime is high across Europe. Further reports on findings from Youth Chances will be published later in the year with a further survey being undertaken in 2014.

Dr Greg Ussher, METRO Deputy CEO of said:

As we mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia today, these findings are sobering. There have been major steps forward in LGBT equality and in understanding the needs of young people, but as our findings show we still have a long way to go to eliminating discrimination and ensuring that sexuality and gender identity are not barriers to young people’s happiness and wellbeing. It is of grave concern to me that our young people face such violence and fear because of who they are. Our work with young people in schools and youth groups confirms these findings and how important it is to ensure young people are supported and that homophobic bullying is addressed. We are committed to ensuring that Youth Chances results in real change to young people’s lives and we are working with commissioners and providers to this end.


Patricia Durr [email protected]

020 8305 5000 x 136 or 07912515397


  1. Youth Chances is funded by the Big Lottery Fund and is led by METRO in partnership with the University of Greenwich and Ergo Consulting. It is a five year social research project working directly with individuals, providers and commissioners to influence service provision and policy for 16-25 year old LGBTQ youth.
  2. This analysis is based on the FINAL data set of the first survey as at01/04/2013. A total of 9,733 surveys were collected. This data set was filtered to exclude respondents outside the age and location parameters to leave a data set comprising 9,020 responses.
  3. The sample is a fair representation of nationally estimated LGBT regional populations and of ethnicity
  4. 90% of the sample describe themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or questioning their sexual identity. Our heterosexual respondents will help us to compare the experiences of LGBQ young people with those who are straight.
  5. 15% of our sample describes themselves as transgender- this amounts to over 1,000 respondents.
  6. It is estimated that there are approximately 6.7 million 16-25 year olds in England. Information about sexuality and gender identity is not routinely collected. Current estimates of how many 16-25 year olds identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual in England range between 2.1% or approx.142k (source: Office for National Statistics) and 7% or approx. 472k, (source: Equality & Human Rights Commission). There is no data on transgender young people.