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Leading equality and diversity charity METRO has joined forces with Prostate Cancer UK to launch a new group for gay and bisexual men affected by prostate cancer in London and the South East.

METRO Walnut is a peer support group that will meet monthly in Greenwich offering an opportunity for men to meet to share information about prostate cancer and discuss about their experiences and concerns. It is the only group offering this service in the London and South East area.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK with one in eight men experiencing it at some point in their lives. There is no evidence that gay or bisexual men are more likely to get prostate cancer or other prostate problems but other support groups do not reach them or address their needs.

Dr Greg Ussher, METRO Acting CEO said:
METRO is delighted to be hosting this much needed group for gay and bisexual men. We have a huge commitment to peer support and we know how important it is for people to be able to share experiences and learn from each other when facing difficult health and other problems. LGBT people often face difficulties accessing health services because of lack of awareness, inclusion or understanding of their needs. We want to encourage as many gay and bisexual men as possible to get involved with the group, to demonstrate the need for it and to raise awareness of prostate cancer and its impact on gay and bisexual men.

Simon Faulkner, METRO Walnut Group Facilitator said: 
As a gay man diagnosed 3 years ago with prostate cancer, I could not find a place in London where I could talk freely with other gay men who, from their experience could help me with the life changing decisions you are faced with when diagnosed with prostate cancer. I am really excited that METRO and Prostate Cancer UK are working together to provide the only support group in London specifically aimed at gay and bisexual men. This much needed service will provide men who are newly diagnosed and those going through and after treatment, the opportunity to talk and support others going through similar experiences.

Catherine Winsor, Community Support Services Manager at Prostate Cancer UK said:
The side effects of prostate cancer treatment can be life changing - erectile dysfunction, incontinence and sexual problems are incredibly common. Talking through concerns and sharing advice with other men in similar situations can really help men come to terms with a diagnosis or some of the damaging side effects. However, we know that many gay and bisexual guys find it difficult to talk about their concerns at the support groups currently available. The new group will give gay and bisexual men the opportunity to talk openly and freely about their sexuality and the impact of the disease on their relationships. We are really excited to be working with METRO on this project and urge gay and bisexual men affected by prostate cancer in the area to come along.


Notes to Editors:

1. Case studies available on request

2. METRO is a leading equality and diversity charity providing health, community & youth services across London & the South East & national & international projects.

3. Prostate Cancer UK is the leading UK charity for men with prostate cancer and prostate problems

4. The METRO Walnut next meeting is on Saturday 15th March at METRO Greenwich

5. There are only two other groups in England for gay and bisexual men - one in Manchester and one in Birmingham