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Dr Greg Ussher, METRO Chief Executive said:

We welcome the announcement today from the Department for Education of the Homophobic, Biphobic & Transphobic Challenge Fund to tackle bullying in schools.

As highlighted by the Department, METRO Youth Chances research shows that 60% of young people have experienced name calling because they were LGBTQ or people thought they were, and nearly half of young LGBTQ people feel that their time at school is affected by hostility or fear of discrimination. Trans young people experience even higher levels of bullying and abuse and the consequences include feeling left out, achieving lower grades and having to move schools. As a charity we see the impact in our direct work with young people everyday.

Schools have a duty to tackle bullying and discrimination in schools and to promote equality and inclusion. Some schools do a great job but the message is clear that there is work to do.

This funding is another step toward tackling the problem to enable more working with children, young people, teachers and schools to ensure that our schools are safe spaces and that all our young people can enjoy and achieve.


  1. You can read the Department for Education press release here
  2. METRO Youth Chances is funded by the Big Lottery Fund led by METRO in partnership with the University of Greenwich and Ergo Consulting focused on 16-25 year old LGBTQ youth.