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Yesterday METRO's Chair, Dan McDonald, was pleased to receive a letter of support for Kent Pride from Kent Police & Crime Commissioner Ann Barnes.

She wrote, "I was made aware whilst listening to a Kent radio programme this morning, about an unpleasant poster doing the rounds in Margate about your Kent Gay Pride Parade this weekend. I have since got hold of a copy to look at myself and I felt the need to write to you as I don't believe it represents the views of most of us here in Kent.

"With many other people in the County, I have spent my entire life promoting equality, diversity, opportunity for all, encouraging social cohesion and everyone's right to happiness living the lives they choose, so I sincerely hope that the Kent Gay Pride Parade goes well.

"Had I not been involved in a family event this weekend I would have taken great pride in coming along personally to support you all. Let's hope the weather stays fine and that despite this unpleasantness you all have a really good time."

The commissioner's letter was prompted by leaflets telling the residents of Margate to "Save yourself and your children from homosexuality" which have been dropped through letterboxes this week - in a desperate bid to prevent the town from becoming "MarGAYte".

The homophobic leaflets urged locals to stay away from the Kent Pride parade, planned for 29th August.

They urged residents to "Say NO! Do the right thing and don't support the Kent Gay Pride Parade on the 29th of August in our neighbourhood.

"Margate stays proud and will never be MarGAYte."

METRO is pleased to be supporting Kent Pride. We will be in the parade with our staff, volunteers, supporters and service users. We will also have a stall highlighting our services at Sundowners on the sea front.