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FiguresĀ from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show suicide as the leading cause of death for 20-34 year olds in 2013, citing potential factors as traumatic experiences, drug or alcohol misuse, job insecurity and relationship problems.

'From our work with LGBTQ+ young people we know that understanding and exploring your sexuality and gender identity can be challenging and that challenge can all too often become isolating and overwhelming without appropriate support, not least from other young LGBTQ+ people', Dan Baker, Head of Integrated Youth, METRO.

METRO Charity's Youth Chances Research found that 42% of LGBTQ respondents sought medical help for depression or anxiety, compared to 29% of heterosexual non-trans respondents. Also over half of LGBTQ respondents (52%) reported self-harming, either now or in the past. This compares to 35% of heterosexual non-trans young people in our sample and to a rate of 12% for this age group self-reported in a household survey by the NHS in 2007. 44% of the LGBTQ respondents reported having ever thought about suicide. This compares to 26% of heterosexual non-trans respondents and a rate of 21% documented in the same research from the NHS.

'Alongside our LGBTQ+ youth groups, which we are delighted to offer across south London plus Medway, we also offer vital mental health support through our Chat service offering counselling for LGBTQ+ people aged 11-25 across London, Kent and Medway.' Scott Lupasko, Director, Counselling and Peer Support Services, METRO.

Find out more about our services:Ā Youth Groups,Ā Juice,Ā Chat LGBTQ+ Youth Counselling,Ā Adult Mental Health Services.