Silhouette of a group of young people

National Youth Chances was a five-year groundbreaking research project about the the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and questioning (LGBTQ) 16-25 year olds in England funded by the Big Lottery Fund and conducted by METRO Charity in collaboration with Ergo Consulting and the University of Greenwich.

The project surveyed 7,126 young people aged 16-25. Of these 6,514 were LGBTQ young people. 612 were heterosexual non-trans young people and 956 were trans young people.

The first round of analysis shows high levels of discrimination, abuse and mental health issues, indicating a need for more to be done to improve the lives of LGBTQ young people.

  • Find out more and hear initial findings of the largest survey of LGBTQ young people in England
  • See how findings have already impacted
  • Presentations from researchers currently undertaking new analysis
  • Discover how you might be able to use this rich dataset to inform policy, commissioning and project delivery
  • Shape future research and analysis

Date to be announced
2:00pm - 5:00pm followed by networking
University of Greenwich