Queer Art Through Eras

A century of queer art now on display, varying from sarcastic or fun to politically charged and heart-wrenching.

Tate is celebrating 50 years of LGBT conquests since the decriminalisation of homosexual acts with a major exhibition of queer art.

The very definition of queer may be fluid and multifaceted but, according to The Guardian, in Tate Britain's show it "has a precise historical meaning: it focuses on a moment of rapid social change and creative awakening (...), drawn from the period between 1861, when sodomy in England and Wales was no longer punishable by death, and 1967, when private sex between two consenting men over 21 stopped being a crime."

Deeply personal and intimate works are presented alongside pieces aimed at a wider public, which helped to forge a sense of community when modern terminology of ‘lesbian’, ‘gay’, ‘bisexual’ and ‘trans’ were unrecognised. Together, they reveal a remarkable range of identities and stories, from the playful to the political and from the erotic to the domestic.

More at Tate Britain's page.