A photograph of Big Ben and Parliament

METRO Charity welcomes the Government’s proposals to deliver greater equality for LGBT communities through three initiatives: consultation on the Gender Recognition Act; nationwide LGBT survey to inform future policy; changing the deferral periods for blood donation for men who have sex with men.

“All three of these initiatives have the potential to have a marked impact on the lives of the thousands of LGBT people who use METRO services.

“For this reason the Government’s announced plans are very much welcomed, specifically the proposal to de-medicalise the Gender Recognition Act, and the changes to the deferral periods for blood donation for men who have sex with men.

“I’m very proud that the work of FreedomToDonate, of which I am a patron, has helped to ensure more people than ever before are allowed to safely donate blood, while also recognising this change is the first step towards an individualised risk assessment, which does not automatically exclude most gay and bisexual from donating blood.

“We encourage completion of the nationwide LGBT survey and are pleased by the Government’s commitment to listening to LGBT communities to inform policy and direction for Parliament.

“Having completed a national survey of LGBT young people ourselves, we are aware of some of the pitfalls of such endeavours, particularly in relation to how people identify, but welcome this attempt to understand more about the experiences of LGBT people with public services.”, Dr Greg Ussher, CEO, METRO.

The Department of Health announced that the blood donation deferral period will be reduced from 12 months to three months for men who have sex with men.

Complete the nationwide LGBT survey