STPs at the Core of Mental Health

According to a recent NHS report, Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) are vital to harness mental health services. The plans are already showing positive results, especially when analysis goes beyond data and figures, focusing on the individual responses of patients.

The repost sugests that the Targets for the Fiver Year Forward View (FYFV) for Mental Health can only be met by implementing the STPs, working locally with patients and crossing efforts in other spheres, such as housing, schooling and employment.

Although a lot still remain to be done, the research found that mental health provision had increased and trusts were heading in the right direction: “We are already starting to see the impact of this focus on mental health through STPs, where increasingly local systems are not only rising to the challenge but also recognising the opportunity of investing in mental health to deliver a more sustainable health and care system.”

The review also emphasised the need to not simply analyse data and figures in terms of measuring progress for mental health care, but instead look at the people “seeing and feeling” the benefit of increased funding and support for mental health.