We Pay the London Living Wage, #LivingWageWeek

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, announced this week that the London Living Wage will rise from £9.75 to £10.20 per hour. This is a 4.6% rise.

We’re proud to be an accredited London Living Wage employer. We were first accredited last year, when we held a tea party with Citizens UK. Our CEO, Dr Greg Ussher, said:

“We are so very proud to be one of a growing number of charities and social enterprises in the royal borough paying a London Living Wage, based on the real cost of living in London.

“I encourage all local employers to help close the gap between the government’s National Living Wage and a real Living Wage. Work should be the surest way out of poverty.”

We want to make sure working at METRO is a great experience. We’re also accredited by the London Healthy Workplace Charter and Investors in People, which looks at how we manage, develop and support our staff.

What is the London Living Wage?

The London Living Wage is a voluntary level of minimum pay. It’s independently calculated every year to meet the real cost of living in the capital, using evidence like the Minimum Income Standard. The Living Wage Foundation sets two rates, one for London and one for the rest of the country.

How many organisations pay the Living Wage?

There are 1,502 organisations paying the living wage in London, but there is much more work to be done. 26% of charities still don’t pay the living wage.

At METRO, we know our staff are facing a higher cost of living, with increased food and energy bills. No one who works for us should be struggling to make ends meet. Paying the London Living Wage helps us to ensure that all of our staff can afford to live with dignity.

The rise in the London Living Wage was announced as part of Living Wage Week, which runs from 5th November to 11th November 2017.

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Jobs and volunteering at METRO