METRO and Team DIVA at the World AIDS Day Red Run 2017 in Victoria Park

Huge thanks to all who ran for METRO on Sunday at the World AIDS Day Red Run in Victoria Park. All the money raised will be used for our hardship fund.

Team DIVA, including Sarah Rowlinson from our sexual health team, raised £547 with their JustGiving appeal. Overall, we've raised a fabulous £692 for our hardship fund.

We were joined by staff and supporters including Mark Delacour and Julie Hedges, Andrew Evans, Tony Tran, Dan Baker, Nina Bengtsson and Klebisson Monteiro. They ran and walked 5K and 10K to raise money for our hardship fund, which helps individuals and families living with HIV.

Dr Greg Ussher, METRO CEO, said: "We are expecting to reach over 100 applications to our hardship fund this year alone. The £50 grants help individuals and families who are already accessing our services to stay warm, fed and able to travel to important appointments.

“These grants can make such a difference at a time of crisis, whilst we work with service users to navigate through issues such as benefit sanctions, new diagnosis and changes in their health.”

Huge thanks to all our runners for raising money for individuals and families in need.

The Red Run is one of the UK’s largest World AIDS Day community events and has raised over £200,000 for HIV charities since 2008.

Visit our Facebook page for more photos from the Red Run.