Councillor Dan McDonald

After four years of outstanding and dedicated service, Cllr Dan McDonald, Chair of Trustees at METRO Charity, has resigned.

"We would like to thank Dan for overseeing a full strategic cycle of the charity - four years of significant growth - including expansion into Kent and Medway. Dan understood the charity like few others – and steered METRO through difficult waters, during times of austerity, with a clear eye towards our strategic direction.

"He has also overseen the vital diversification of our Board of Trustees. Dan's support, enthusiasm and personal alignment with the vision of the charity has made him such an asset and a complete champion. We are very sad to see him leave.", Gwen Bryan, Acting Chair of Trustees at METRO Charity. 

Ms Bryan said:

"Dan led the charity through two significant merges – with Positive Parenting and Children (PPC) and with Greenwich Action on Voluntary Services (GAVS). Without Dan’s deft and diplomatic handling of these sensitive negotiations we would not have achieved these merges, which have so strengthened and diversified our charity."

"I have truly loved my time as Chair. METRO is an outstanding charity, delivering such vital services and thoroughly celebrating difference. Needing to focus on my own health, reluctantly, the time has come for me to step down from the Board. I am so pleased to have been able to contribute and lead the Board at such a key time in the charity's development.", Dan McDonald.

Gwen Bryan, supported by all other METRO Trustees, is METRO's Acting Chair.