Graphic showing the UNAIDS target numbers 90:90:90

Public Health England has today released new statistics which show that the UK has met a key UN target in the fight against HIV.

More than 90% of people living with HIV are diagnosed, on treatment and virally suppressed.

  • 92% of people living with HIV have been diagnosed
  • 98% of people diagnosed are receiving treatment
  • 97% of people are receiving treatment and unable to pass on the infection

The UK now joins Botswana, Cambodia, Denmark, Swaziland, Namibia and the Netherlands, which have already achieved the 90:90:90 target.

There are many ways to prevent HIV, including frequent testing, condoms, PrEP and having an undetectable viral load (U=U).

Dr Greg Ussher, METRO CEO, said:

"Today is a huge milestone in the fight against HIV. We're making real progress, but we still have more work to do, especially across the different communities we work with in south east London.

This milestone represents the success of a coordinated effort across England of which METRO has been and continues to be a part.

We must continue to reduce HIV transmission, reduce late diagnoses, increase HIV testing, increase knowledge and tackle stigma."

You can read the full report on the Public Health England website.