Royal Borough of Greenwich Councillor Averil Lekau with our Sexual Health Outreach Worker Andrea

The Greenwich Sexual Health Team from METRO visited different areas of the borough to provide sexual health advice and free condoms, as well as Chlamydia screens for under-25s, to help encourage residents to take control of their sexual health and wellbeing.

The pinnacle of the week was our HIV testing bus in Woolwich’s General Gordon Square today. Residents received a rapid HIV test, free condoms, and advice about sexual health.

Cllr Averil Lekau, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Health and Anti-Poverty, attended the event to see the range of services available for residents.

She said: “Royal Greenwich offers a range of free, fast and confidential sexual health advice services, and I’d encourage people to get tested, not only during the annual Greenwich Sexual Health Week but also at any time in one of the many clinics across the borough.”

The team was also in Abbey Wood and Thamesmead on 27 November, giving away free condoms and information, and signing up residents for free online sexual health testing.

Dr Greg Ussher, METRO CEO, said: “Sexual health is so important to our overall health and wellbeing and we are delighted to be supporting Royal Greenwich Sexual Health Week. We know that these weeks are effective in raising awareness and increasing uptake of what is available in the borough.”

An estimated 13,500 people living with HIV in the UK are unaware they are infected, putting them at higher risk of poor health and passing the virus to others. Treatment for HIV has improved significantly but there is still no cure.

People infected with HIV and who are taking treatment can live long, healthy lives, but early diagnosis is critical to the best health outcomes. RBG wants to support all residents to know their HIV status.

For details of Greenwich Sexual Health services and further information about Greenwich Sexual Health Week, please call 020 8305 5005 or visit