ILGA Europe Brussels 2018 logo

METRO will deliver a workshop on achieving 90-90-90 HIV target with Migrant Communities in 'fortress' Europe in partnership with IPPF EN, and UKLGIG.

The workshop is open to delegates of the ILGA Europe Brussels 2018 conference and takes place on Friday 26th October 2018 2:30pm - 4:00pm in the Harmony Suite.

The aim of the workshop is threefold:

(i) to provide context on the current social and political landscape in Europe regarding closed-door immigration policy and the impact this has on sexual health

(ii) to demonstrate how METRO, IPPF EN, and UKLGIG promote key campaigns and positive narratives around sexual health, such as 90-90-90, in their work with migrant communities within this social and political climate

(iii) to provide breakout activities where LGBTI activists can raise key challenges and engage in guided problem solving related to migrant community sexual health work within the current social and political context and formulate key priorities for activists working with LGBTI migrant communities, including collaborative working.

The workshop will build LGBTI activists' knowledge and capacity of sexual health with migrant communities.

Developed and delivered by:

Koen Block, IPPF EN, Belgium
Dr Tony Furlong, METRO Charity, UK
Jose Mejia, METRO Charity, UK
Leila Zadeh, UKLGIG, UK