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We welcome NHS England's commitment to fund 13,000 additional places to double the capacity of the PrEP impact trial.

Jo Robinson, METRO Head of HIV, said:

"Alongside many other sexual health organisations, we continue to campaign for greater access to PrEP. The original cap on the number of places available to clinics has in some cases meant that people who want PrEP are being turned away. This potential increase in capacity is another step in the right direction towards making PrEP available to anyone who needs it. PrEP is one of the many tools we have in the fight against HIV.

"We urge the Trial Oversight Board and local authorities to move swiftly in mobilising this funding to make the additional places available in clinics. It is also important that everyone involved, in an effort coordinated by the Oversight Board, ensures the news about PrEP and its availability reach all communities that might benefit - especially women, heterosexual men and trans people, who have not yet accessed this trial in large numbers."

Read more about the NHS England announcement.