Blue Truvada tablets used for PrEP

On Wednesday we learnt that following the announcement of funding from NHS England to double the number of places on the PrEP Impact Trial to 26,000, earlier this month, the Trial Oversight Board now needs to undertake ‘rapid engagement’ with local authority commissioners and research sites to assess capacity. There is no guarantee that additional places will become available to all trial sites, nor when this might happen. Though the Board has approved in principle a proposed increase in places.

This comes as over 50 trial sites, almost 40%, are currently turning away gay and bisexual men due to being oversubscribed.

"We welcome the news on Wednesday that the Trial Oversight Board has approved in principle a proposed increase in places, but remain frustrated that there is no clear timescale to making use of the funds promised by NHS England to double the number of places. We continue to urge the Board and local authorities to move swiftly in mobilising to make additional places available in clinics.

"We also call on Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, to ensure the full resourcing needed for the trial expansion, and to move to the roll-out of PrEP as routine NHS HIV prevention care, as soon as possible - bringing England in line with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.", Joel Robinson, Head of HIV.

Like to get involved?

National AIDS Trust (NAT) are calling for support to get PrEP available on the NHS by writing to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock. Use their handy online tool to send your letter to the Secretary of State.

Want to access PrEP?

If you are looking to buy PrEP online you can find out more on the Prepster website.

Visit the PrEP Impact Trial website for current available places on the Trial and future information about new places.

People who are on no income (except benefits) and are unable to get on the Trial may qualify for THT's Mags Portman PrEP Access Fund.