Photo from Vulnerable Women Event in Medway

Our Medway team had a fantastic turn out for an event targeted at vulnerable women, such as street sex workers, in Chatham last month. This event was led by our Grace and Charlotte, organised in unison with a Female Specialist Support Worker from Medway Council and hosted at Caring Hands, a non-profit organisation supporting the homeless. The event was organised to encourage women who are most at risk and hardest to reach to test and talk about their sexual health in a supportive environment. All the women who attended the event discussed how services locally could be improved and talked about sexual health challenges for vulnerable women in Medway.

The day resulted in 15 people from the hardest to reach groups testing with METRO’s drop in clinic in the community and receiving a Wilkinson voucher for doing so. We received invaluable feedback such as:

“I’ve never been tested in 35 years of being a working girl and most of the time it is ‘cause I can’t get an appointment and I can’t really hang about, the work you are doing is brilliant work and there should be more of it. I feel so relieved now I’ve done that test.”

“Thanks for your kindness and respect to be honest and the test didn’t even hurt! I was dreading it because I hate needles but it was fine.”