I pledge to: Stand up for sexual health #SexualHealthManifesto

Our joint manifesto calls for action on HIV, sexual health and funding.

We are calling on the next Government to:

1. Deliver on the commitment to end new HIV transmissions by latest 2030.

2. Commit to, and deliver, a national sexual health strategy that sets out bold ambitions to tackle STIs and improve the nation’s sexual health.

3. Commit to tackling the stigma and discrimination faced by people living with HIV.

4. Invest in public health and fully fund sexual health services to meet the needs of all communities.

5. Invest sufficient funding for training, resources and support to ensure that LGBT+-inclusive relationships and sex education (RSE) is taught to a high standard in all schools.

6. Implement the routine commissioning of PrEP from April 2020 and in the interim ensure that no one is turned away from the PrEP Impact Trial.

7. Ensure that the health and social care system supports people with HIV to live and age well.

8. Guarantee that migrants living with HIV or those at risk have access to HIV prevention, testing and treatment that meets their needs, regardless of immigration status.

Full Manifesto