Group protesting outside Royal Borough of Greenwich

In opposition to the proposed increases in charges, METRO GAD (Greenwich Association of Disabled People) were outside Woolwich Town Hall representing the 22,000 disabled people of Greenwich, as part of the UK network of Deaf and Disabled People's Organisations (DDPO’s).

We are speaking with the cabinet members of RBG at their 5:30pm meeting, and continuing to work hard and tirelessly to end the threat of increased charges to disabled people in the borough, along with all other local organisations, including Greenwich Disabled People against the Cuts (Greenwich DPAC) and National Organisations WinVisible (women with visible & invisible disabilities) and Inclusion London.

As predicted by local disabled people's organisations, the plans to withdraw another £1.6 million from disabled people are devastating to our community. We look forward to seeing the council handle this issue with care and sensitivity, and hope for ongoing strong relations with the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

In the lead up to today's cabinet meeting, we have been lobbying our local councillors, our three MP's and the Leader of the Council to great effect. Tonight is the culmination of our efforts.

"Disabled People have been documented to be already the hardest hit cumulatively by austerity in society, so the impact on disabled residents relying on social care services would be devastating if these proposed increases in charges for social care are voted through." Sue Elsegood, Chair of METRO GAD.