Crowned portcullis emblem used to represent the UK parliament The Crown

The Women and Equalities Committee has launched an inquiry into the different and disproportionate impact that the coronavirus - and measures to tackle it - is having on people with protected characteristics under the Equality Act.

We want to hear from our METRO GAVS and METRO VAL members to help inform our response. We are interested in hearing, capturing and representing your experiences on how this pandemic is disproportionately affecting the people you support around age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. Please share your thoughts with our Head of Insight, Emma Jones, by Friday 24th April 2020.

Emma will also be working closely with METRO GAD to include the experiences of disabled people.

Chair of the Women and Equalities Committee, Caroline Nokes, said:

“In these extraordinary times, it is as important as ever that the Government considers how its actions to tackle the coronavirus impact differently on different communities. Passing emergency legislation at great speed has been essential. Now we need to understand the present and future effect on those who may already be marginalised. We are listening, and we need your evidence to help us to help the Government consider equalities issues, to ensure that its policies and plans are as effective as possible.”

You may also want to make your own submission to the inquiry.