METRO is calling for people aged over 45 from Essex, Kent, Medway, and East Sussex to complete a survey about sexual health, relationships, and sexual health support services. 

The survey has been developed in partnership with health and research organisations in the South East of England, France, Belgium, and Holland, and is the first stage in an Interreg 2Seas EU funded project seeking to understand and improve the sexual health and wellbeing of people over 45.

With the overarching aim to reduce health inequalities, and to support those who are most vulnerable to poor sexual health and wellbeing, METRO particularly want to hear from people who self-identify as:

  • Homeless or insecurely housed
  • Sex workers
  • LGBTQ+
  • Immigrants, refugees, or asylum seekers
  • Gypsy, Roma, or Traveller
  • Suffering from drug or alcohol abuse
  • Living with a disability and/or mental health illness
  • Speaking English as a foreign language

Amanda Jeffery, Head of Sexual & Reproductive Health at METRO, explained:

"The SHIFT partnership aims to explore and improve sexual health outcomes amongst people aged over 45, and in particular to support vulnerable individuals who are most at-risk of experiencing poor sexual health.

“Our belief is that if we are able to understand even some of the different and changing sexual health needs that face people Over 45, we will be able to create responsive services that can be integrated to the places they already live, work, learn, love, and play.

“Most sexual health services run in isolation from other services, and are delivered by designated experts in the field. This reinforces not only the stigma associated with sex and relationships, but also the idea that sexual health exists in a silo. The truth is that outcomes for all are best when experts, community practitioners, other health professionals, and service users address sexual health in a variety of settings throughout the life course”.

For more information or to get involved, visit the SHIFT programme web page.