BAME man holding a face mask - cropped around mask and hands Photo by MONT on Unsplash

Today, Public Health England published their much-anticipated report, Disparities in the risk and outcomes from COVID-19.

The report draws on data from across England, looking at how diagnosis and mortality rates are impacted by age, sex, geography, deprivation, ethnicity, occupation, social exclusion, being a care home resident and having other underlying health conditions.

In summary, the report found that age remains the largest factor, with people who were 80 or older already diagnosed with COVID-19 being 70 times more likely to die than those diagnosed under 40. Also, that risk of dying after being diagnosed is higher in males than females; and higher in more deprived areas. The report found that the risk of dying after diagnosis is likely higher in those who are socially excluded, work in a caring role, drive passenger road vehicles, work as security guards, those in care homes, and those with other underlying health conditions.

Finally, the area that has raised fresh concerns, given its more recent observation, the findings around Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities, show that there are higher rates of diagnosis and mortality in these communities. With people of Bangladeshi ethnicity having around twice the risk of death compared to people of White British ethnicity. And people of Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, Other Asian, Caribbean and Other Black ethnicity being at 10-50% higher risk compared to White British.

Our Deputy CEO, Andrew Evans, said:

"We welcome the publication of this insightful report, and unfortunately are not surprised to read that it confirms that the impact of the virus has mirrored and amplified existing health inequalities. Health inequalities that we already see and work to address within the communities we serve.

"We urge Government to look deeper into these findings, especially around BAME communities, to understand the underlying causes and work with communities, providers and commissioners to take action in addressing these inequalities, both in the immediate crisis and the longer term."

You can read the full report on the Government's website