Photo of Helen on a sofa with colourful cushions

Helen looks after our volunteer and staff team.

As National Volunteers Week comes to a close, I have been struck once again by just how fortunate we are to have the support of our amazing volunteers at METRO during this extraordinary time.

This last year our 73 volunteers have given over 9,000 hours of their time, skill and expertise. That has included, over the last three months, moving our services online and over the phone instead of face-to-face as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Our volunteers have responded, as our staff have, with positivity and flexibility. Without them, our continued level of service delivery would simply not have been possible.

Our volunteers bring a wealth of life experience, knowledge and skills for the benefit of the people we support. In return, we offer training and ongoing support and supervision, and hopefully opportunities to give back, learn new skills and meet new people.

For me, as Head of HR & Volunteering, I really appreciate the passion and commitment of all our volunteers, some of whom have been with us for many years. METRO has a proud 30 year history of working with volunteers. They have helped us to build upon and strengthen the relationships we have within the community and raise awareness of our work. Thank you to all our volunteers past and present for their contribution to METRO!  

Take a look at our current volunteering opportunities.