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Today the government published "Towards Zero - An action plan towards ending HIV transmission, AIDS and HIV-related deaths in England - 2022 to 2025".

Within the plan four key objectives are laid out:

  • Objective 1: Ensure equitable access and uptake of HIV prevention programmes
  • Objective 2: Scale up HIV testing in line with national guidelines
  • Objective 3: Optimise rapid access to treatment and retention in care
  • Objective 4: Improving the quality of life for people living with HIV and addressing stigma

Our Interim CEO Andrew Evans, said:

“We welcome the long-awaited action plan on the 40th anniversary since the start of the HIV pandemic. Additionally, we welcome the more than £23 million pounds investment pledged to end HIV infections in England by 2030. We are pleased to see action being taken to keep us on track to meet the 2030 target, but are concerned that this achievable target might be missed if we don't maintain momentum - momentum which might be lost due to commitments in the plan not being time-bound or sufficiently specific. We call on government to deliver against their commitments in the plan swiftly.

"We have been proudly supporting people living with and effected by HIV since 1992, with a community-led approach. We pledge to continue working with focus and commitment to ensure we play our part in meeting the 2030 target.”

Read the full Towards Zero policy paper.