Copy of World AIDS Day METRO Events - Poster Landscape.png

"This year's World AIDS Day theme is 'End Inequalities. End AIDS. End Pandemics'.

"This year marks 40 years since the start of the HIV pandemic and to this day, it remains a major health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Over the past 20 months, the world has been hit by another virus, COVID-19. COVID-19 is exacerbating inequities and causing disruption among HIV services, making the lives of many people living with HIV more challenging and hindering testing services and progress towards the goals of eradication. Despite all the progress which has been made over the past couple of decades around medication, PrEP, and U=U messaging, unfortunately, the global targets for HIV in 2020 have fallen short. There is still a lot of work to be done to confront health inequalities and overcome barriers. Social stigma remains a major hurdle that needs to be overcome even after 40 years, with many still not feeling able to discuss HIV openly.

"This World AIDS Day there are plenty of different things you can do and we encourage everyone to do something, no matter how large or small.

  • Wear a red ribbon on 1st December to demonstrate solidarity understanding and support
  • Drop a pound or more in a collection bucket, or tap your phone or card, to help HIV support services
  • Make an effort to engage in a positive conversation with someone about HIV/AIDS
  • Learn more about what PrEP and U=U means and share that knowledge with others
  • If you are unsure about your status, take an HIV test

"We will continue our efforts to challenge social stigma and deliver our services both for people living with and those affected by HIV, but also for the wider community in the form of testing, prevention and education."

Anders Neilson, GMI Partnership and HIV Prevention Manager.

To see a list of how we will be celebrating World AIDS Day this year, visit our events listing page.