METRO CEO Dr Greg Ussher working from home

Our CEO, Dr Greg Ussher, joins over 200 other civil society leaders in standing together against racism and outlines our approach to address structural race inequalities:

"METRO Charity acknowledges diversity, celebrates difference and over its 35 years has championed equality. 

"The charity’s history is largely LGBT, and after a series or mergers it’s present is diverse and avowedly intersectional.

"Our Board of Trustees have acknowledged our imperative to now champion race equity and challenge race disparities.

"As CEO, I am leading an embedded process to address structural race inequities with:

- a Trustee approved Race Equality Action Plan

- support of a self-organised Race Equality Advisory Group (REAG)

- approving a constitutional change through our membership to empower both the Plan and the Advisory Group

- appointing of a Resilience Project Manager to implement the Plan

- delivering a mandatory race equity training program across our workforce of 200 through an outsourced, tendered process

- providing restorative opportunities for staff and volunteers traumatised by stigma, discrimination and bullying based on race

- developing a communications agenda which engages REAG to develop and disseminate positive imagery and narratives

- measuring our performance against our Action Plan by including a specific outcome and indicator on the Board’s Balanced Scorecard."

Read more about the ACEVO campaign.