Photo of a park bench tapes off Thomas Line

This month last year we found ourselves rapidly re-formatting our services to online and over the phone delivery, as the UK moved into lockdown.

One year on, our Head of Insight, Emma Jones, has drawn together insights from across the charity on how we have adapted - transforming our services, continuing to meet the needs of our service users, and developing as an organisation.

"Our charity wanted to record the tremendous adaptations that we have undergone during the COVID-19 pandemic both as an organisation and as a service provider. Producing and publishing this insight report is one part of that process.

"METRO Charity celebrates difference. Difference is where we thrive. We understand and value and utter difference, and we know that this pandemic has changed us individually and our charity forever – it has created opportunities to re-imagine our passionate commitment to equality, diversity and identity.", Dr Greg Ussher, CEO.

"I'm so pleased that we have been able to carve out the time to reflect on the challenges we have faced throughout this pandemic, but also on the learning, the new ways of working, new technologies, and the new skills we have developed, enabling us to be an even more accessible and effective organisation as we move into recovery and reopening face-to-face provision. We are also pleased to be able to share our insights, so that other organisations might also benefit from what we have learned.", Mark Delacour, Director of External Affairs.

Insight Report on COVID-19 - Transforming services, meetings needs, and developing an organisation