Black African child head and shoulders outdoors

METRO is urging the Government to reconsider planned 80% funding cuts to the UN agency tackling HIV and AIDS. 

Dr Greg Ussher, METRO Charity’s CEO said, “The 80% cut by the UK government to the UNAIDS Program will have a significant negative impact on some of the world’s most marginalised people.  

"LGBTQ+ people and communities, sex workers, people who use drugs, and people in prison comprised 62% of new HIV infections in 2019. Cuts to the UNAIDS Program will drive these numbers up, at a time when globally we are also still tacking the COVID pandemic.  

"As a charity committed to equality and diversity we are acutely aware of how HIV follows the fault lines of society, and how it is always the most marginalised who bear the brunt of funding reductions. These cuts will have harmful impacts on people’s lives, and we urge the government to reconsider this course of action.”  


Photo: bruno gandon from Pixabay