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Anti-Bullying Week takes places annually in the UK and provides us with an opportunity to raise awareness of bullying, and highlight ways we can combat, prevent, and respond to it. The theme for this year's campaign is 'One Kind Word', and focuses on how simple small gestures and words can make a huge impact on someone's day. 

Our Jess Russell, Counselling Project Lead for Young People, said:

"Bullying can happen anywhere. At school, in the community and online. Bullying can be physical, psychological or emotional, and sometimes an individual's gender and/or sexual identity can be a target for bullying. This can leave young people feeling isolated, alone, and ashamed of who they are.

"At METRO, the youth LGBTQ+ counselling service aims to support young people and provide a safe space to talk about what is going on for them. The empathetic, and warm relationship built between counsellor and client can be vital in promoting the young person's mental health, sense of self and resilience. Young people may feel like they are better able to cope, and start to become more comfortable with who they are. The support young people receive through counselling is extremely valuable, and can help to manage the detrimental effects of bullying. Young people know they are not facing this alone.

"This year, Anti-Bullying Week highlights the importance of 'One Kind Word'. At the heart of this campaign is the idea that we can all play a part in society to reduce bullying, and support those who need it by being kind. Promoting positivity, and kindness through simple words and actions provides hope to those receiving them, promoting a chain reaction that can change a person's day, week and even their life!''.

If you are experiencing bullying, or want to access support through our counselling or youth services, you can visit our services directory.