
As you sit reading this article, LGBTQ+ individuals within the UK remain at risk of being subjected to conversion therapy, which currently remains legal within our country due to gaps within the law. This damaging and life threatening practice seeks to convert, suppress, "cure" or change a persons sexual orientation and/or gender identity through a series of harmful "therapies".

According to the Government's LGBT Survey, 7% of LGBTQIA+ people have been offered or undergone conversion therapy. People have, and continued to be targeted in spaces where anyone should feel safe, such as medical, psychiatric, psychological, religious and cultural settings.

We welcome the newly published consultation from the UK Government which allows people to share their thoughts about conversion therapy. This is our opportunity to make sure the ban protects any LGBTQ+ person from the immediate or future risk of abuse or harm. 

The UK Government has now extended the consultation period to ban conversion therapy by eight weeks to Friday 4th February 2022. 

Our Interim CEO, Andrew Evans, said:

"We simply cannot allow these abhorrent practices to continue. We actively encourage everyone to take the time to complete this consultation to ensure your thoughts and voice is heard. Together, we have the power to end conversation therapy for good."

You can complete the consultation on the Government Equality Hub.

Need some help completing the consultation? Visit Stonewalls Conversation Therapy Ban Guidance for Individuals. 

Should you, or someone you know be in need of support due to conversion therapy, help is available through Ban Conversation Therapy.