Living Wage Employer

Today marks the start of Living Wage Week 2021. In an announcement this morning by the Living Wage Foundation, we were pleased to hear that both the UK and London Living Wage rates have risen, meaning a pay rise for over 300,000 workers,.

Our Head of HR and Volunteering, Helen Barnes said:

"METRO is proud to have been a member of the Living Wage Foundation since 2016. We are one of over 8,000 accredited Living Wage Employers who have chosen to pay the Real Living Wage. The Real Living Wage is independently calculated on what employees and their families need to live and is higher than the government's National Living Wage, previously refer to as the minimum wage. Every year new rates are announced as part of Living Wage Week which this year is being held from 15th to 21st November. The Living Wage Foundation is this year celebrating 20 years of the Living Wage Movement which was started in London.

"As a Living Wage employer, we are pleased to see that the number of organisations that are members of the Living Wage Foundation increases each year ensuring that more employees are paid at a rate that reflects the real costs of living."