Sports related icons on a blue background

"Tackling persistent inequalities faced by young Londoners to benefit from sport and physical activity is at the heart of London Youth’s Getting Active programme. We have made significant strides forward to reduce the barriers faced by girls and young women, young people of colour and young people from lower socio-economic groups. Our work supporting young disbaled people has also taken a step forward.

"However, what is clear, is we have yet to create the right offer and experience so that LGBTQ+ young people and the expert and trusted organisations supporting them share the wider benefits of being active. Change needs action, and David Hopkison, Youth Manager at METRO Charity was the spark, quite simply he asked – 'What are you going to-do about it?'. A simple, polite and direct question that has seen us ring-fence £15,000 of funding for ten LGBTQ+ London Youth members to deliver sport projects in the next 12-months. For some it will add value to ideas already happening, for others it will be the first chance to dip their toe into delivering sport, dance, physical activity or movement approaches in their services.

"Alongside this, we recognised we needed to be better informed, hear directly from LGBTQ+ youth professionals and crucially build relationships. Having 15 LGBTQ+ yout professionsals join our virtual workshop last week reinforced to me the collective will to bring about positive change for LGBTQ+ young people in terms of improving their sport and physical activity experience. And, with Lou Englefield, Director at Pride Sports opening the call, none of us were left in any doubt that this work is vital!"

John Jones, Sports Development Manager, London Youth.

To find our more about these grants of up to £1,500, visit the London Youth website or email [email protected].