Time To Talk Mental Health Day Poster Landscape.png

This Time to Talk Mental Health Day, we join Mind, Rethink Mental Health and Co-op in empowering and encouraging conversations about mental health. However and wherever you do it, whether it's over a cup of tea, or while having beans on toast for breakfast, start a conversation with someone you know.

Not sure you are prepared? Then check out our top tips:

  • Choose an environment you both feel comfortable in. 
  • Don't try to fix a situation, simply offer support. 
  • Don't underestimate the value of just listening. 
  • Reassure someone that you are there for them when they are ready. 
  • Use reassuring language, such as, "I'm here for you", and "is there anything I can do to support you?"

We provide counselling to support people presenting with a range of issues. Our services include counselling for people living with HIV, LGBTQ+ people, and people wanting to talk about their sexual health. 

For further details visit our services directory and search 'counselling'.Â