Chris Kaba

We call upon Mark Rowley to begin his role by addressing the death of Chris Kaba, an unarmed 24-year old Black man who was shot by officers in Streatham, and died in hospital two hours later. We call for the homicide investigation and accusations of institutional racism to be addressed thoroughly, and as a matter of urgency. 

Mark Rowley takes on the role of leading the UK's largest police force this month following the resignation of previous Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Cressida Dick. Cressida felt she had lost the confidence of the Home Secretary, Priti Patel, following a number of incidents including the tragic murder of Sarah Everard by serving Met officer Wayne Couzens, followed by the aggressive and inappropriate handling of the vigil on Clapham Common, the stop and search of Team GB athlete Bianca Williams, the strip-search of Child Q, and initial refusal and delay to investigate 'party gate'.

We join the call that real change needs to be implemented and demonstrated to begin the first steps in rebuilding community trust and confidence within the Metropolitan Police. 

We understand that this news may be triggering. If you feel you need to talk to someone, the Samaritans' volunteers are available to listen on 116 123 or by email [email protected]