UK Gov block on Scottish Gender Recognition Reform Bill

We are deeply concerned that the UK Government is considering challenging the Scottish Government’s mandate to implement its Gender Recognition Reform (GRR) bill, by potentially stopping the bill going for royal assent.

Despite the bill being passed by a resounding cross-party majority in the Scottish Government, the UK Government is now also considering ending reciprocal recognition of Gender Recognition Certificates (GRCs) from all countries that support trans people changing their legal gender using a self-determination mode - despite having accepted them for years. Countries affected include Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

These actions would greatly undermine the decision of the Scottish Government and would make international travel much more difficult for trans and non-binary citizens of many countries. Ending reciprocal recognition of GRCs would be an attack on trans rights which sends a clear and direct message to trans people that the UK Government does not believe they are worthy of respect. 

Our CEO has proudly signed a joint statement opposing this, prepared by LGBT Consortium. We join organisations nationwide in calling the Prime Minister to stop this unnecessary and damaging action immediately and instead recognise the significant positive contribution of trans people across the UK.

If you would like to take action, you can use Stonewall's useful template to write to your MP, asking them to stand up for trans rights.